我要說的是,雲高大師(即多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來──編者注,下同)──我的佛陀法王上師,他的韻雕『一柱擎天』這一聖品藝術已在一年九個月前完成定了型,過了一年九個月我們幾個人決定把『一柱擎天』作品安放在展櫃中,首先要在底板上緊貼著作品劃上地腳線,是為了確定作品的中央位置,我親自用黑線很細心的沿著作品畫了一圈,這時大家發現當時展櫃的尺寸計算小了,作品的上半部超出了底板,由於它的體過大,已無法裝進展櫃中,此時雲高大師很嚴格地批評說:『你們幾個為什麼當初不量好尺寸,這幾千元錢的展櫃不就報廢了嗎?』大師對著『一柱擎天』不經意地自言自語說:『你小一點就好了嘛!……』說完,我們六個人把『一柱擎天』 抬下來放在地上,由於它太珍貴,所以幾個人都在現場看護著。時間大概過了五個小時,大家將它抬上底板,準備拍照,當『一柱擎天』 搬上我畫過線的底板,這時一個同學突然大叫一聲說:『嘿,它成了孫悟空的金箍棒了!』眾人一看,『一柱擎天』竟然縮小了,佛陀法王就那麼一句話『讓它小一點』,它果然縮小,裝進了展櫃。我當下再度用紅線在原有劃黑線的底板上,沿著作品畫了紅色的地腳線,兩條線一對比,寬面的部分竟然縮小了兩寸多,上半部全部縮進了展櫃內的區域,這個沒有生命、已定型的作品實在是太偉大不可思議了。我是佛弟子,我不會編造假話去錯因果,這兩條線是我當天根據實際的作品地腳線畫下來的,而作品也是當天大師一句話,它就縮小的。如果我以上的文字是虛假編造的,我應該打入三惡道變畜牲,如果我立的文句是真的,將福慧宏生,回向大家幸福。
佛弟子 戚朋直 立記
The Account of a Holy Incident
What I am about to say is about the Yun sculpture “A Pillar Holding Up Heaven” created by H.H. Master Wan Ko Yee 1 , my Buddha Dharma King Master. One year and nine months ago, this holy work of art was completed and its shape finalized. A year and nine months had passed, and several of us decided to place the artwork “A Pillar Holding Up Heaven” into a display cabinet. First, the bottom edge of the artwork had to be closely traced on a baseboard. This was done to make sure that the sculpture would be centered. I personally traced a black line very carefully around the artwork. At that point, we all figured out that the size of the display cabinet which had previously been calculated and built was too small and the upper portion of the artwork would go beyond the baseboard. Because the body of the artwork was too large, it was impossible to fit in the display cabinet. H.H. Master Wan Ko Yee strictly criticized us, “Why didn’t you measure it right in the beginning? Will this display cabinet, worth thousands of dollars, now be discarded?” The Master faced “A Pillar Holding Up Heaven” and casually said to himself, “It would be nice if you could become smaller!” After the Master finished saying that, six of us lifted “A Pillar Holding Up Heaven” and placed it down on the floor. Because it was such a precious piece and worth so much, we all guarded the spot.
Approximately five hours passed. We then lifted it to the baseboard preparing to take a picture. Just as “A Pillar Holding Up Heaven” was moved up to the baseboard where I had previously traced the black line, a fellow disciple suddenly yelled, “Hey, it has become the magic stick of Sun Wu Kong (the Monkey King)!” Everyone looked. To our surprise, “A Pillar Holding Up Heaven” had actually shrunk. With only H.H. Buddha Dharma King’s words “Let it be smaller...”, it actually shrunk and now fit perfectly into the display cabinet. At this moment, I traced a red line around the bottom edge of the artwork once again on the same baseboard that showed the previously traced black line. When comparing the two lines, the widest part of the artwork had actually shrunk and the line was now more than two inches smaller than the previous line. The entire upper portion of the artwork shrank and fit perfectly into the area of the display cabinet. This inanimate piece of artwork which had already finalized its shape was truly magnificent and unbelievably amazing.
I am a Buddhist disciple. I would not fabricate false testimony which would violate the law of cause and effect. These two lines were traced by me that day based on the bottom edge of the actual artwork that day. Moreover, the artwork indeed shrank because of the Master’s words. If any of the above is falsely fabricated, I shall be punished, enter the three evil paths and become an animal. If this account of said facts is authentic, I will greatly gain good fortune and wisdom and dedicate the merit to the well-being of everyone.
Now, I have some honest words that come from my heart that I would like to give everyone. Everyone should think about just what level this great and authentic Buddha-dharma actually is on so that such power can be demonstrated. Shouldn’t we take this opportunity to take refuge and learn the authentic Buddha-dharma?
Buddhist Disciple
Qi, Pengzhi documented this account.
August 18, 2004