



      佛教界的至尊領袖,法界正法統帥益西諾布雲高大師,我最敬愛的佛陀恩師,自他正法駐世、弘法度生以來,就一直宣布嚴持一項特殊之規:只為弘揚正法、救度眾生,從事一切如來正法善益事業,但是不收任何供養。無論所供為金錢、財產或諸物品,無論多少巨細, 一概不收。然而他卻每時每刻都把所有眾生的事業、眾生的根本利益放置首位,牢記心間,不辭辛勞,默默奉獻,毫無保留地將他所擁有的一切至寶財富全部施益於世,利樂一切有情,為整個佛教界、眾生界帶來無比浩瀚深遠的正法法益,無量福蔭。儘管如此,我們偉大的恩師卻總是將自己融於眾生之中,以慚愧身自居,不讓任何人為他去做宣傳。他常常示曰:「我是一個慚愧行者,我永遠都是所有一切眾生的服務人員。」以下便以我的親身經歷舉幾個例子,這都是真實不虛的事實。

     《義雲高大師歌集》是偉大的恩師以佛智五明如來法音弘法度生的一個實證,同時也是他老人家無私奉獻、唯利有情的一個實證。如此稀有珍貴,度生利生,不收分文利益,並正式以書面聲明確認了此一決定,他把所有這些法音歌曲的詞曲創作應得版權利益全部無償地獻給了佛的正法度生事業,他說,「我什麼都不需要,一切為利眾生。」 同時,還制止了我們為《歌集》的誕生出版勝事所作的一系列宣傳準備,指示:「不要宣傳我個人。」由於特殊的因緣關係,我非常榮幸曾參與了《義雲高大師歌集》的部份籌備、出版、發行工作,身歷其境,目睹恩師的正法度生聖義壯舉無限敬服,無比感動!


      過去我曾一次又一次地帶上錢財、物品前去敬供老人家,但是一次又一次地被老人家拒絕收受,加持退回,無一例外!譬如:一次我供養給老人家的二十萬圓人民幣,老人家分毫不收,後來還原封不動地將此款轉贈給了一家敬老院,為我作了善益功德;一次我供養給老人家的六百萬圓港幣被老人家加持退回;一次供養給老人家的一張美國運通銀行的American Express AE 信用金卡(這張金卡享有無限透支額),結果老人家不屑一顧就給拒絕了;一次供養老人家的一百萬港圓的現金支票還被老人家拿到百人法會上當場加持退回,並再次開示重申了他一貫不收供養的原則……。以上這些都僅僅是多少大大小小實例中的幾件而已。每次退回弟子的供養,老人家總是無比慈悲地說:「上師不需要你的錢,上師要的是真正學佛之心,利益大眾無私奉獻的行為。」

      恩師的言傳身教,成為我學佛修行典範所依,無限動力。我立誓,要像他老人家那樣,永遠以一個佛弟子、修行人的慚愧身、口、 意自居行持,三業相應,決意出家為僧尼,依教於偉大的佛陀恩師, 只為自覺覺他、弘揚正法、利益眾生而無私奉獻一切。

      偉大的恩師,他是一位真正來自佛國,正在統領著整個法界眾生 行持無上正等正覺如來正法,佛智五明精妙絕倫,善德示法無礙,佛教各宗、顯密諸乘悉皆敬皈依止,十方諸佛菩薩無比歡喜讚嘆的佛教史上最偉大的佛陀!他是一位要來度脫一切眾生,成就一切眾生,為整個眾生世界帶來幸福、吉祥、和平、繁榮、美好未來的真正最偉大佛陀!但是,大家不知道,我最遺憾、最難過的是我已九年沒有見到過佛陀恩師了,不知何日才能得見佛陀,親臨大禮敬拜啊!我太想念老人家了,我太想念佛陀了,天哪,您給我一個機會吧!

慚愧佛弟子 慧妮(俗名郝南妮)於美國加州

The Selfless, Magnificent Buddha Master

      Yeshe Norbu Master Wan Ko 1 is the most venerable leader in Buddhist circle and the chief adept in orthodox Buddha dharma in the dharma realm. His Holiness is my Buddha Master who I respect the most and to whom I am indebted to. Ever since His Holiness started to propagate correct Buddha-dharma to save living beings, His Holiness has repeatedly announced and abided by an unusual rule that He does not accept any offerings. His Holiness only wants to spread correct Buddha-dharma, save living beings and participate in all charities associated with the correct dharma of Tathagata. His Holiness does not accept any offerings no matter if they are money, assets, or items at any value. On the other hand, His Holiness constantly puts the welfare and interest of living beings as His top priority. His Holiness is mindful of that and tirelessly and quietly contributes to people and benefits sentient beings with all of his own treasure and fortune without reservations. His Holiness brings to living beings and the entire Buddhist realm immeasurably vast and profound benefits of correct Buddhadharma and infinite blessings. Nevertheless, our majestic Master always considers Himself as one of the living beings. His Holiness defines Himself as a humble practitioner and does not allow anyone to promote Him. His Holiness constantly said, “I am a humble practitioner. I am and will always be an attendant to all living beings.” I would like to give some of my personal experiences as examples. These are all true facts. 

      “The Song Collection of Master Wan Ko Yee” is proof that my great Master implements Buddha wisdom of the Five Vidyas and the dharma voice of Tathagata in promoting dharma and saving living beings. It is also proof that the Master dedicates Himself unselfishly only to benefit sentient beings. It is extraordinary and very precious that His Holiness saves and benefits living beings without accepting anything in return. His Holiness has formally confirmed in writing that He decided to contribute all royalty of His dharma music and lyrics to Buddhist practices that save living beings. He said, “I do not need anything. Everything is for the benefit of living beings.” In addition, His Holiness stopped our promotion preparation for the debut of “The Song Collection” and said, “Do not promote me personally! Due to certain special karmic affinity, I am much honored to participate in part of the preparation, publication and distribution of ‘The Song Collection of Master Wan Ko Yee.’ ” I personally experienced and witnessed my Master’s holiness and morality in His propagation of correct Buddha-dharma and salvation of living beings. I was deeply moved. 

      There was a fellow male disciple in Chengdu, China, who used to be a blind vagrant. He lost sight in both of his eyes more than thirty years ago. He was so poor and deprived that he sang from street to street and begged for donations to support himself. One day, my Buddha Master ran into him and helped him out with great compassion. His Holiness not only cured the vagrant’s blindness in a very short period of time but also provided his family of four with money and items of necessity on a regular basis to alleviate his financial hardship and help his two children receive an education. The vagrant singer was so deeply moved and thankful that he composed many folk songs and dedicated them to the Master, praising His immeasurable compassion and the divine merits of Buddhahood. The tunes and lyrics were very touching. Later on, I recorded these songs and was about to publish and promote them. I had an audience with my Buddha Master and reported the project to His Holiness. His Holiness stopped me from doing it. The reason was very simple. It was what His Holiness had said before, “Do not promote me personally!” 

      I had brought money or things as offerings to the Buddha Master many times in the past. However, the Buddha Master refused to accept them again and again. His Holiness always returned them after His Holiness empowered them. There were no exceptions. There were many examples. I once offered my Buddha Master RMB$200,000.00. His Holiness did not accept any of it. Instead, His Holiness donated the entire amount to a nursing home and helped me accumulate the merit of charity. There was once that I made an offering of HK$6,000,000.00 to the Buddha Master which was returned to me with His blessings. Another time when I gave the Buddha Master an AE gold card from American Express which had unlimited credit line, His Holiness paid no attention to it and refused it. And, there was a time that I made an offering of HK$1,000,000.00 in a cashier’s check. It ended up being taken by the Buddha Master to a dharma assembly with around 100 attendees where he returned it to me with His blessings. His Holiness also gave a discourse and announced again His principle of not accepting offerings. The aforementioned examples are just a few among countless others regardless of the amount of offerings. Every time when the Buddha Master turned down disciples’ offerings, His Holiness always told His disciples compassionately, “As your Master, I do not need your money. What I need is your true heart in learning Buddhism and your conduct of unselfish devotion in benefiting living beings.” 

      My Buddha Master’s teachings through His words and conduct have become the guidelines and models that I follow to stay motivated in learning Buddhism and self-cultivation. I want to make a resolution that I will always consider myself as a humble Buddhist disciple and practitioner just like my Buddha Master. I will always be mindful of that in the aspects of my conduct, speech and thoughts. The three karmas of mine will be corresponding to those of my Buddha Master’s. Therefore, I decided to be ordained to become a bhikkhuni and follow the teachings of my great Buddha Master. I will unselfishly contribute all I have for the cause of selfenlightenment and enlightening others, propagating correct Buddha-dharma and benefiting living beings. 

     My majestic Buddha Master is the most extraordinary Buddha in the history of Buddhism who truly came from the Buddha Lands. His Holiness has been praised by the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas from the ten directions with great joy. His Holiness has been leading living beings from the dharma realm to practice and uphold the correct Buddha-dharma of Samyaksambodhi. His Holiness’s Buddha wisdom and Five Vidyas are magnificent and wonderful. His Holiness manifests his virtuous merits and Buddha-dharma without any hindrance. Various Buddhist sects and schools of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism have respectfully followed and relied upon the Buddha Master. His Holiness is truly the most majestic Buddha that came to save and liberate all living beings, and bring to the world happiness, auspiciousness, peace, prosperity and great future. However, I feel most disappointed and saddest that I have not seen my great Buddha Master for nine years. I do not know when I will get the chance to have an audience with him and prostrate myself in front of him. I miss my Buddha Master a lot. Great Heavens! Please give me an opportunity. 

Buddhist disciple with a heart of humility,
Hui Ni (Secular name: Nan Ni Hao)
in California, U.S.A.
October 21, 2007




南無 第三世多杰羌佛





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